

Die Leitveranstaltung des BVL Chapter Russia war stets das Deutsch-Russische Logistikforum parallel zur Transport- und Logistikmesse "TransRussia" im April, in 2021 bereits zum siebten Mal durchgeführt. Wir hoffen, dieses Event bald wieder durchführen zu können. Derzeit entwickeln wir neue Formate für Events in Zentralasien und dem Südkaukasus. Am jährlichen BVL Supply-Chain-Day beteiligt sich das Chapter aktiv und organisiert diverse Events bei Unternehmen, Institutionen und Universitäten. Ebenso werden Besichtigungen bei Mitgliedsunternehmen organisiert und Fachbeiträge des BVL-Teams und seiner Mitglieder auf zahlreichen Kongressen und Messen im eurasischen Wirtschaftsraum gehalten.

Past Events

2nd Caspian Europe Forum
October 5th - 6th, 2021 - Hybrid (Berlin)
With the Covid 19 pandemic and the Suez crisis, the Caspian region has become more attractive not only as an energy hub, but also as an increasingly important transit hub between Europe and Asia. In order to fully exploit this potential, the region around South Caucasus and Central Asia needs more international cooperation. The Caspian Europe Forum provides the ideal platform to promote and enhance economic relations and cooperation between Europe and the countries in the region. After the huge success of the first edition in 2020, 2nd CASPIAN EUROPE FORUM took place hybrid over 2 days on October 5th/6th in Berlin with a "Caspian Investment Day" and new topics to the program: logistics and infrastructure, energy and sustainability, digital economy, vocational training, agriculture, health economy, digital economy and foreign direct investment. With over 60 speakers and almost 1500 registrations from 25 countries, this year's forum was a great success. Organizer was the Maleki Group. Chairperson of BVL Chapter Russia, Mirco Nowak, took part in the session "LOGISTICS AND INFRASTRUCTURE" and provided information on the latest developments in the networking of transport corridors to strengthen the Caspian region as a logistics hub.

International Transport Corridors Forum

September 21st - 24th, 2021 - St. Petersburg
600 delegates from 499 companies in 39 countries took part in the TRANSTEC Forum 2021. It is organised to promote the creation of favourable conditions for the scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the regions interested in improving and realising export and transit potential. The event has been held since 1994 and is traditionally attended by representatives from government agencies, professional associations, research centres, transport and commercial enterprises from the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

First Video:
Plenary greeting from BVL Chapter Russia on German-Russian logistics relations.

Second Viceo:
Chairperson of BVL Chapter Russia speaks about the "Creation of a new port and logistics complex in the Astrakhan region - a new stage in the development of the INSTC". The International North-South Transport Corridor is a multimodal route with a total length of 7,200 km, from St. Petersburg to the Indian port of Mumbai. It was created with a purpose of attracting freight traffic from India, Iran and other countries of the Persian Gulf to the Russian territory via the Caspian Sea and further to the Northern and Western Europe. According to the Russian Federation’s Transport Strategy until 2035, the INSTC is one of the priority areas of the national transportation policy.

Yug Trans 2021
July 29th - 30th, 2021 - Novoriossiysk
The 17th Yug-Trans Transport Forum took place on July 29th and 30th, 2021 on the Black Sea coast in Novorossiysk. Around a hundred participants from Russia, Kazakhstan and Germany took part in the forum. Mirco Nowak, Chairman BVL Chapter Russia; hold the session "Creation of a port and logistics complexin the Astrakhan region - New stage in the development of the International North-South Transport Corridor".

KazanSummit 2021
July 28th - 30th, 2021 - Hybrid (Kazan)
The XII International Economic Summit "Russia - the Islamic World: KazanSummit 2021" was held in Kazan on July 28-30. More than 4,500 people from 64 countries registered as participants on- and offline. The chairman of BVL Chapter Russia, Mirco Nowak, held a session about the "Caspian Cluster: Special economic zones as a territory of attraction for investment projects at the INSTC International North-South Transport Corridor: tax incentives, free customs zone, modern port infrastructure".

8. Deutsch-Russisches Logistikforum
April 13th, 2021 - Hybrid (Moscow/Hannover)
Under the motto #LogisticsConnects, BVL Chapter Russia together with the Logistics Alliance Germany successfully held the 8th German-Russian Logistics Forum as a hybrid event on April 13th. 200+ participants, including 80 on site in Moscow, learned in the keynote speeches and the high-level panel discussion that given the dynamic developments in the framework conditions for transport solutions between Germany and Russia, the expansion of existing and the development of new Logistics corridors and chains is of great importance. The German North Sea and Baltic Sea ports have seen significant increases in traffic to and from Russia in recent years. They are intensively developing inexpensive and more environmentally friendly transport alternatives. The digitization is gaining in importance for all actors and requires even more cross-border cooperations for sustainable transport chains and logistics systems of the future. After the forum was only held online last year, this time the subsequent evening reception traditionally provided the opportunity for extensive networking to exchange ideas and develop common ideas for optimizing logistics. Further partners of the forum were the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the ports of Hamburg and Mukran, Bremino and the LUNO group. Traditionally, we hold our forum parallel to TransRussia, which took place for the 25th time this year. 13,000+ specialists came to find out about new logistics offers and supply chain solutions from 215 exhibitors from 22 countries exhibited, including Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Mongolia .. 50 companies took part for the first time. Reunion with many colleagues, business partners and friends after long months of abstinence. Great feeling!

DKU Round-Table 2021 - Logistics in Kazakhstan
February 24th, 2021 - Online
Presentation by the chairperson of BVL Chapter Russia, Mirco Nowak: "Supply Chain Management - the need for professional networking in international logistics" on February 25, 2021.
Round Table-Event of the German Kazakh University: "Role of science and education in the development of logistics in Kazakhstan"
Роль науки и образования в развитии логистики Казахстана /
Rolle von Wissenschaft und Bildung bei der Entwicklung der Logistik in Kasachstan

Caspian Europe Forum 2021
- Sustainable positioning of the Caspian region -
February 24th, 2021 - Online
CASPIAN EUROPE FORUM Online-Round-Table "Ports at the Caspian Sea: Competition & Cooperation at the Center of International Corridors" - We discussed with experts and officials the recent developments at the ports and the challenges ahead. One of the panelists was Mirco Nowak, Chairperson, BVL Chapter Russia, with his presentation "Sustainable positioning of the Caspian region through the development and linking of international transport corridors".
The littoral countries at the Caspian Sea have ambitious plans to establish new ports, develop their current infrastructure and capacities, as the importance of international transit projects such as the One Belt-One Road, the Middle Corridor, and the International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC) are growing. By developing their logistic infrastructure, Astrakhan, Lagan, Baku, Aktau, Turkmenbashi and Anzali are trying to become major mediators in the transit of cargos between Europe and Asia. Each country has the ambition to become the main transport hub in the region and capitalize on this geostrategic advantage. However, the decisive factor for a successful positioning of the Caspian region as a logistics hub will be to generate attractive offers for shippers and logistics companies through joint strategies of the ports, their connectivity and effective linking of existing transport corridors.

Common Economic Space from Lisbon to Vladivostok
- Implications for Logistics -
December 7th, 2020 - Online
The German federal government wrote it down in the coalition agreement: the vision of a common economic area from Lisbon to Vladivostok is adhered to. An official dialogue between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union would be a win for business, trade and industry of both unions. What exactly does this bring for logistics? In which areas between customs, transport and supply chain can projects for the harmonization of regulations be defined? How do we enliven and network the transport corridors from Lisbon to Vladivostok - from Europe to Asia? Exciting questions to which we answered in our forum “Common Economic Area from Lisbon to Vladivostok - Implications for Logistics”. Over 70 participants used the opportunity for impulses, experience reports, insights and tips from top-class speakers and discussants, including the chairman of the Federal Logistics Association BVL, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wimmer, from the member of the board of the Business Club Russia WCR, Uwe Leuschner, from the vice-president of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and CEO of a. hartrodt, Willem van der Schalk, from the CEO Russia of Hellmann East Europe, Michael Hess, from the CEO of dls Land und See Speditionsgesellschaft, Bodo Engler and from the associate partner of Hamburg Port Consulting, Frank Busse. Welcoming words came from the Minister for Energy, Infrastructure and Digitization of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Christian Pegel, from the Head of the Trade and Economic Office of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Germany, Andrey O. Sobolev and from the Hamburg representative and head of the Working Group "Transport- & Transport infrastructure" of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, Prof. Peer Witten. The BVL Chapter Russia was one of the co-organizer, Mirco Nowak as head of the Chapter moderated the forum.

7. Deutsch-Russisches Logistikforum
Logistiknetzwerke - Transportkorridore - Infrastruktur
October 1st, 2020 - Online
More than 160 participants from Russia, Germany and numerous other European countries took the opportunity on October 1, 2020 to find out first-hand online about current developments in logistics networks, transport corridors and infrastructure projects at the 7th German-Russian Logistics Forum. The focus of the lectures and discussions were both connections between Germany and Russia by sea, especially the Northern Sea Route, as well as rail transport offers between China and Europe.
In the panel discussion, Mirco Nowak, Chairperson of the BVL Chapter Russia, emphasized the importance and opportunity of connecting existing transport corridors, the further development of the Silk Road, the North Passage, the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and the Middle Corridor TITR to sustainably strengthen Russia's role in the global logistics market.
As in previous years, the organizer was the Logistics Alliance Germany in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and Digitization of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Port of Hamburg Marketing, the LUNO Group and the BVL Chapter Russia. Everyone very much hopes to hold the forum again next year as a face-to-face event on the occasion of TransRussia 2021 in April in Moscow. Last year around 250 people used the 6th German-Russian Logistics Forum for effective networking in the Hotel Metropol Moscow.

Russia as a logistics hub between Europe and Asia
September 16th, 2020 - Online
Chairperson of BVL Chapter Russia, Mirco Nowak, informed about the Russian logistics market on the ITC-YouTube livestream "Restart business in Russia" and highlighted the international transport corridors, port development projects and lucrative infrastructure programs. The online event as a whole was aimed at companies that want to export to Russia or are already doing so and want to bring their export employees up to date on the general and import conditions in Russia.

TRANSTEC 2020 International Transport Corridors Forum
September 14-16, 2020 - Hybrid / St. Petersburg
The XV international forum on the development of transport corridors TRANSTEC was organized to promote the creation of favorable environment for the scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the regions by improving existing transport corridors and developing new ones. It is a platform to discuss the capabilities of transport industry companies to integrate into global logistics chains, as well as a full range of technologies, equipment and materials for transport construction. The BVL Chapter Russia took active part with two lectures on the “developing of the INSTC International North-South Transport Corridor” and the “integration of the Caspian region into established supply chains between Asia and Europe”. Mirco Nowak emphasized the importance of functioning transport corridors with favorable conditions and outlined the perspectives for German industrial companies that arise from new markets in the Caspian region. The BVL Chapter Russia is involved in the working group to revitalize the INSTC and tries to consolidate the connection to the German northern ports.

Meeting of the INSTC Working Group
June 30th, 2021 - Online
2nd Meeting of the International Working Group on Coordination and Development of the INSTC International North-South Transport Corridor on 30/06/2020 with specialists and delegates from Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, Turkmenistan, Iran and India.
- Welcome speech from Denis Afanasiev, Minister of Industry and Natural Resources of the Astrakhan Region
- Chairman of the meeting and moderation: Sergey Milushkin, General DirectorGeneral of JSC Special Economic Zone LOTUS
- BVL Chapter Russia presented by his Chairperson Mirco Nowak

23rd Moscow International Logistics Forum
February 20th, 2020 - Moscow
Vice chaiperson of BVL Chapter Russia and CEO of STS Logistics, Kirill Vlasov, at the XXIII Moscow International Logistics Forum (MMLF 2020). Professional sessions for more than 700 participants, 50 top speakers. The MMLF has become a traditional annual meeting place for professionals in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Procurement Management, Customs, Insurance, Warehousing, Distribution, IT technologies, as well as for business owners and company executives. This time the MMLF took place at the most modern venue in Moscow (CDP - Digital Business Space).

Moscow - Port of 5 seas
February 19th, 2020 - Moscow
Conference/Exhibition “Moscow - Port of the Five Seas” - BVL Chapter Russia organized and Chairperson Mirco Nowak moderated the panel session “Logistics of Inland Waterways - Revival and creation a network of multimodal transport corridors - International experience, trends and practices” - Exiting panel with top-class speakers from Hamburg, Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Ust-Luga and Astrakhan. Special thanks to Mosstroyinform for invitation!

Transport Week Russia 2019
November 19th, 2019 - Moscow
BVL Chapter Russia at the Transport Week 2019 in Moscow with more than 12.000 participants - hosted for the past twelve years by the Russian Ministry of Transport, promotes open discussion of most pressing transport issues and strengthening of mutual understanding between representatives of government and business community. For development of the North-South Transport Corridor and construction of a modern port on the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan presented itself in a special way with Governor Igor Babushkin. An MOU was signed between PLC Caspy and GTLK in the presence of Russian Transport Minister Ditrich.

RiverPortExpo 2019
October 29th-30th, 2019 - Moscow
RIVERPORT EXPO 2019 was held October 29-30 at the Expocenter Moscow, dedicated to the development of inland water transport and industry investment. Forum participants discussed topical issues of strategic development of inland waters ways of Russia, analyzed the introduction of motor gas in water transport and the formation of transport corridors Europe-Asia, the formation of regulatory legal framework governing inland water transport and automation of traffic management on inland waterways. Chairman of BVL-Chapter Russia moderated the panel session "Linking multimodal transport corridors to strengthen Russia's role as a bridge between Asia and Europe" and gave a greeting from the BVL at the plenary session.

BVL International Supply Chain Conference 2019
October 23rd - 25th, 2019 - Berlin
MAKE COURAGEOUS - The German Logistics Congress 2019 of BVL took place under this motto in Berlin. Around 150 speakers, numerous current topics around the modern logistics in versatile formats expected the 3207 visitors. The BVL Chapter Russia was represented by a delegation from Moscow and Astrakhan. Annual highlight for the logisticians, fantastic networking, absolutely recommendable!

Port of Hamburg - Evening Reception
September 27th, 2019 - St. Petersburg
The BVL Chapter Russia in St. Petersburg - A wonderful evening reception of the Port of Hamburg! Thanks for invitation and fantastic hospitality, great networking event.

CeMAT Russia 2019
August 30th, 2019 - Moscow Region, Klin
Speech from Chairman of BVL Chapter Russia, Mirco Nowak, at the opening ceremony of CeMAT Russia 2019 - 10th anniversary with more than 150 exhibitors from 15 countries for materials handling, warehousing equipment and logistics - CeMAT Russia gave the unique picture of all latest developments in the fields of mechanical handling, warehouse technology and workshop equipment, packaging and order picking equipment, loading technology, entire systems for materials handling technologies, warehousing technology, intralogistics, systems and software for intralogistics, logistics services and outsourcing.

BVL Networking Event - AGC Glass Russia
September 24th, 2019 - Moscow
The BVL Chapter Russia and its members and friends visited AGC Glass Russia and accompanied the grand opening of a new storage complex for glass components in SpasZaoulok Industrial Park in Klin, Moscow Region. The first fully automated logistics center for flat glass products was successfully commissioned. In total, 30,000 tons of flat glass are permanently managed in a specialized storage system on an area of 20,000 sqm. Particularly impressive were the fully automatic carriers for the flat glass movements in the warehouse as well as for the unloading, storage and retrieval. Only 7 employees per shift operate the entire logistics center, including picking and loading and unloading of finished products. The opening ceremony was solemnly performed by the director of the logistics complex, Mikhail Korjakin, and the mayor of Klin, Alena Sokolskaya. Of the BVL spoke the deputy chairperson Axel Hartmann and congratulated AGC Glass on the modern logistics hub in the north of Moscow.

6. Deutsch-Russisches Logistikforum
16. April 2019 - Hotel Metropol Moskau
Parallel zur in Moskau laufenden internationalen Transport- und Logistikmesse „TransRussia“ nutzten 250 hochkarätige Teilnehmer beim 6. Deutsch-Russischen Logistikforum die Möglichkeit des persönlichen Austauschs über gemeinsame Erfahrungen und Perspektiven in Logistik, Transport und Verkehr, informierten sich über aktuelle Trends und Innovationen, erhielten nützliche Impulse aus den erstmal organisierten „Logistics Talks“ zu den spannenden Themen Logistik 4.0, Kontraktlogistik, Neue Seidenstraße und Logistiker der Zukunft. Die BVL Russia war wie auch in den Jahren zuvor Co-Veranstalter gemeinsam mit der LAG Logistics Alliance Germany, der LUNO-Gruppe und Hafen Hamburg Marketing.
Nachbericht englisch als PDF

25 Jahre Kühne + Nagel in Russland
September 2017

Round-Table Logistik in St. Petersburg
19. September 2017

Round-Table Logistik Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
20. April 2017

Deutsche Woche St. Petersburg
4. - 12. April 2017
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