
Welcome to the Bundesvereinigung  Logistik e.V.

The mission of BVL is to act as a neutral platform to promote an awareness for the importance of logistics and supply chain management in industry, science and the public sphere, to systematically document logistical problem definitions, to develop methods and processes to solve these problems on an interdisciplinary and sector-focused basis.
BVL offers lifelong learning in Economics and supply chain management: BVL Seminars and the German Foreign Trade and Logistics Academy (DAV) organise a wide range of modular seminars as well as courses and studies for every stage of the business career.

An unique
Network ...

BVL has more than 10,000 members - companies and individuals from the worlds of industry, commerce, services and science
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... with a variety
of offers

BVL offers a wide range of networking and knowledge services through its broad event portfolio and BVL seminars
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... where membership is worthwhile

Become part of the BVL network and get to know our services for logistics managers and the advantages of a membership
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Welcome to the BVL Chapter Russia

The first international BVL Chapter was founded in Shanghai in 2008, followed in 2010 by a second Chinese chapter in Beijing. There are meanwhile 11 BVL chapters outside Germany providing a local platform for the exchange of experience between international supply chain managers, for the discussion of innovative concepts and solutions and for personal and professional networking.
The BVL Chapter Russia was founded in October 2011 and has since been platform for the many localized German companies, who can communicate with their Russian colleagues in logistics and supply chain. For this purpose, regular events are organized, especially the German-Russian Logistics Forum during the annualy TransRussia in April in Moscow.

Current Events

The network of BVL begins at the doorstep of our members - in our regional groups and international chapters with more than 300 events every year.
These meetings support the exchange of experience and knowledge, help to recognize and evaluate market trends easier and support our members to make personal and professional contacts.
TransRussia 2022
International exhibition TransRussia is the largest exhibition for transport and logistics services and technologies in Russia. 217 companies from 22 countries took part in TransRussia 2021 from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Germany, Latvia, Belgium, Hungary, Mongolia and etc. 50 companies were presented for the first time. TransRussia exhibition was attended by 13 955 specialists of industrial and commercial enterprises, transport and logistics companies.
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2nd Caspian Europe Forum
The Caspian Europe Forum provides the ideal platform to promote and enhance economic relations and cooperation between Europe and the Caspian region. After the huge success of the first edition in 2020, the 2nd Caspian Europe Forum is even bigger. This year a full two-day program is planned with the focus on logistics and infrastructure, energy and sustainability, digital economy, tourism, vocational training, agriculture, health economy, digital economy and foreign direct investment. Like last year, the conference will be hybrid.
Conference language: English
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8.30-17.00 MEZ
Future of Intelligent Logistics 2021
The overdue digital transformation and the constraints caused by the pandemic have transformed logistics and supply chain management from a supporting sector of the economy into a backbone industry. What are the main trends? Where to direct the vectors of development? What to invest in?
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German-Russian Logistics Forum 2021
We cordially invite you to the 8th German-Russian logistics forum "@Logisticsconnects" on April 13th parallel to TransRussia 2021. The forum will take place as a hybrid event. Organizers will be again Logistics Alliance Germany together with BVL Chapter Russia, Port of Hamburg, Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and LUNO-Group.
-> Invitation & Programme / Russian / German
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German-Russian Logistics Forum 2021

Evening reception of the Logistics Alliance Germany together with Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Port Hamburg Marketing and BVL Chapter Moscow as part of the 8th German-Russian Logistics Forum. Like the forum, the reception will take place at GBU Mosstroyinform, 2-Ya Brestskaya Ulitsa, 6125047 Moscow.
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TransRussia 2021
International exhibition TransRussia is the largest exhibition for transport and logistics services and technologies in Russia. 398 companies from 29 countries took part in TransRussia 2019. National pavilions were presented by companies from Belarus, China, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Estonia. In 2020 the TransRussia had to be canceled due to corona. So we look forward to an active participation in 2021.
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Supply Chain Day 2021
Logistics paves the way! Companies from the industrial, trading and logistics services sectors take visitors behind the scenes of logistics and supply chain management. Participants gain an insight into the wide variety of logistics and supply chain management activities performed every day. Institutes open their doors and showcase their logistics and supply chain management projects.
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Restart Business in Russia
YouTube stream via the channel of "Export Economy ICS":
- Experience reports and practical examples from experts
- New view of the contract design
- Foreign trade and logistics
- Supply chain compliance and customs
from minute 42:15: "Russia as a logistics hub between Europe and Asia" - Mirco Nowak, Chairperson, BVL Chapter Russia

Language: German without translation
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Webinar German-Russian Logistics
Logistics Alliance Germany together with BVL Chapter Russia, Port of Hamburg, Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and LUNO-Group cordially invites you to the German-Russian Logistics Forum. Since TransRussia 2020 unfortunately could not take place, we are organizing the event online.

We would like to talk about common experiences and perspectives of cooperation. Take the opportunity to inform yourself specifically.

-> Program in English / German / Russian
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1st Caspian Europe Forum
The hybrid conference "1st Caspian Europe Forum" is organized by the Maleki Corporate Group in cooperation with the Eastern Committee of German Business, the BVL Chapter Russia and other organizers. Contents:
- Caspian Region and its Role in the Global Economy
- Caspian Region as a Logistic Hub
- Energy at the Caspian Sea: The Center of ‘Strategic Energy Ellipse’
- Doing Business in the Caspian Region.
Conference language: English
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International Supply Chain Conference 2020
“Sustainability in Action – Winning the Next Decade” is the motto of our BVL International Supply Chain Conference 2020, one of the world’s largest business conferences in the field of supply chain management and logistics. A changed world order, leadership and change management in a VUCA-world (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) are the order of the day. Logistics need to prepare for the coming decade. It is crucial to pinpoint trends and issues with regard to economical, ecological as well as social aspects. In 2019, the event was attended by 3,207 people from 40 different countries. There will not be as many people this year -  at the moment we are working on the basis of maximum 1,500 people.
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9.00-18.00 MEZ
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